Spirit, Wind, Breath

A Breath Away Between the Spirit and Natural Realms

Deacon’s greatest protector, mentor, big sis, and guardian has passed into the spirit realm, where she is running wild and free in the heavenly forests—but still watching over him and all of us. Isla is home now. Deacon and I will share more about Isla and her legacy in due course. 

But now, this pinwheel has been a reminder of Isla’s spirit—which has come to me in the form of wind and breath. When it spins, it also reminds me of the cycles of life, and how we all return to spirit when we take our last breath on earth—and the wind is the physical moving form that reminds us of our connection—which reaches beyond death and the earthly realm. 

I am reminded of how connected we all are, even through time and space. In the meantime, Deacon is in Isla’s old spot, waiting for his big sis. He’s got some big paws to step into:

But as the “Black Watch,” Deacon also kept watch over her, and was by her side in her last days; their loyalty to each other is a touching reminder of how much we need to care for each other too—all of us:

We love you, our sweet Isla! Run free, my girl…